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Reasons to Head to the Shore Now

Shanna DeCola

Reasons to head to the shore now

As the beaches and business are now open to the public, there is still plenty of time to make your summer unforgettable.

The Jersey Shore

Some people’s favorite summer memories come from time spent with loved ones at the Jersey Shore. Apart from the beach, towns such as Ocean City and Sea Isle have a ton of shops, restaurants, and outdoor activities that make the time not spent in the sand or ocean equally as fun! As the beaches and businesses are now open to the public, there is still plenty of time to make your summer unforgettable. What better time to book a stay than right now?

Take advantage of the local oasis of the South Jersey Shore this summer!

Treat Yourself

Like many others, you are most likely feeling ready to leave home and may have even had to cancel a vacation. While businesses are starting to open up, you may still feel that nagging sense of boredom at home. Getting away for a vacation can be very beneficial to your mental health and help to reduce any stress you may feel from being stuck at home for so long. Take advantage of the local oasis of the South Jersey Shore this summer! What could be better than the smell of the salt air, sand between your toes and the warm summer sun on your face? It’s time for a change in scenery and a trip to the shore is exactly what you need!

While beaches and shops are beginning to open again at the shore, it is by no means back to “normal”.

Rules and Regulations

While beaches and shops are beginning to open again at the shore, it is by no means back to “normal”. Local officials are doing everything they can to ensure your health and safety. Social distancing guidelines are meant to be followed on the beaches and around the towns. One of Ocean City, New Jersey’s most prominent features is its boardwalk, which is now open to the public. The boardwalk has plenty of room, which will allow people to maintain a safe distance while still enjoying everything that the boardwalk has to offer. Businesses such as restaurants and shops are doing everything they can to keep their establishments clean and safe for customers. Customers are required to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the business regarding social distancing and whether or not a mask is necessary to enter. Be safe and smart, and most importantly- have fun!

While beaches and shops are beginning to open again at the shore, it is by no means back to “normal”.

Last Minute Trip

No one could have expected the events that have occurred these past couple months regarding COVID-19. Unfortunately, many people’s summer plans went out the door when everything began to close.While beaches and shops are beginning to open again at the shore, it is by no means back to “normal”. Shorebreak Resorts has a variety of properties available at locations along the Jersey Shore, including Ocean City and Sea Isle City. Shorebreak offers you an excellent vacation experience and includes options that range from a one night stay in a cozy inn, to luxurious suites for a week. Specific features depend on the location you choose to rent from. You can select your availability and options by checking out our website.

 A trip to the beach could be exactly what you need right now to relieve the stress and just have some fun.

Make the Most of it

Even though this is not how anyone thought the summer would unfold (nor wanted it to), there is still plenty of time to make wonderful memories while being safe and healthy. A trip to the beach could be exactly what you need right now to relieve the stress and just have some fun. Not to mention your time spent at the shore would help the many small businesses that are located there stay on their feet! Why wait any longer? Book a trip now with Shorebreak Resorts!

Book a trip now with Shorebreak Resorts!

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